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Hi, I'm James Hendy

And my goal is to teach 1,000,000 people about the power of crypto and blockchain tech

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Here's my story (so far...)

When the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto first released the Bitcoin blockchain in 2009, it may have been the most incredible leap forward in technology since the Internet. 


Unfortunately, I wasn't involved in the industry at that time. My journey into crypto wasn't set to start for another 8 years.


A thought that often makes me think, "would I have had the conviction to buy BTC back in 2010...or 2011...or 2012?" I'll never know.


But what I do know is when I learned about bitcoin and blockchain technology in 2017, I was instantly hooked. So hooked, that in 2020 it eventually reeled me in and spat me back out on a completely different career path. 


But, before I spurt anymore about my love for this industry, let me give you just a little glimpse into my life up until that point. 


I'm originally from the UK. I grew up there, studied there, and eventually started a career there in what I like to call the 'dinosaur industry' of oil and gas. As you can probably see, it was never really a passion of mine.


On the positive side, I got to see interesting parts of the world, including Trinidad & Tobago, Ireland (less exotic but still beautiful), and the United Arab Emirates - where I am currently based. 


Thanks to motivation from family and a few friends, I had always aspired to try and build something of my own - the shape and form of which I was never clear on. I assume very few are when they start.


But after finding a passion for blockchain, I knew that had to be my focus. Copywriting, editing, and marketing seemed to fall neatly into place shortly after. Particularly as it involved learning and sharing all of the positives that the industry has to offer.


Three years later, after expanding the audiences of multiple crypto-focused companies, here I am - trying to provide honest, transparent guidance for those venturing into this unique sector.


For me, being in crypto, blockchain, and Web3 is all about being at the forefront of innovation. Yes, there is risk involved. But all revolutionising technology starts with a leap of faith.


I hope you'll join me for the next chapter.

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